Sunday, October 17, 2021

You can Lead a Horse to Water...

You can Lead a Horse to Water...  but you cannot make it Drink.  Or can you make horses drink?? 

These pics are movie stills from a part of "Gold Mine Gang" premiere movie in the epic series "TimeSpace Chronicles" from Milkyy Media Syndicate.  Subtitled "TimeSpace wave #F" 

Featured are: Arajah, Zen'Airoh, and Heyvazealia.  Two wild horses wandering the desert, South of the Border.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Ahgamen keyboA_: ahgameN going on 30; after - going on 60

Ahgamen keyboA_: ahgameN going on 30; after - going on 60:  This is an Age comparison or a Timeline comparison, of one man, our subject - ahgameN keyboA_  On left, after 26+ years of life... on right...